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It's an application to  discover sciences concepts trough attractive  manipulatives. Learners need to touch and use logic  to put back together the concept they are learning.  We use puzzles, drag and drop features to think and  also discover  the different concepts' names. It can be used  as a complementary approach  to check if the  kids understand the concept. 

Engage students with fun and virtual manipulative to develop critical thinking, build hypothesis, and be like a real scientists. 


Step one is  developing the Lemon OS.  You get a bar to select the elements for the experiments. Therefore,you have the menu bar with general elements ( pencil, bin, play games). I design the template for objects.  Images should rotate easily with one click. You can easily move the elements. All objects can also  be checked for possible good / wrong answers.  if you click on objects, another  menu bar should be displayed to give more options on objects. .... this is a  general game template. 

module 1 : electronic , electricity. 

You can  build simple circuits  or use a soldering kit.  you can easily rotate, scale,layer and flip objects. 

For the activities, you can play with the components names and functions.  You can modelize simple circuits in series or parallels . You can  build a PC with components parts. You can use a soldering kit  to introduce the functionality. .....etc... limits are  your imagination. 

soldering kit.PNG
pc commponents.PNG

Module 2 : living things. classification of animals, vertebrates, invertebrates.

A big collection of living  things to play with  sciences classification, life cycle.  

classification animals.PNG
ife cycle.PNG
life cycle3.PNG
cilife cle 3.PNG
lide cycle2.PNG

Module 3 :  human body 

Put back together the skeleton and organs to start learning about human body

human body.PNG

Analyze the different systems and understand the functions. 


module 4 : optic illusion. 

Discover sciences behind illusion. 

illusion optiquie.PNG
illusion optique.PNG

Module 5 :  magnets, magnetic field. 

This is a module to experiment  magnetic forces.  Magnets can attract or repel, like real magnets. fun experiment. 

magnets up sup.PNG

Module 5 :  Forces  && Newton law.

Newton's pendulum. conservation of momentum and energy. 


Play with newton laws  and balls.  Discover mass, gravity, bounciness and friction. 

You can easily use  the scientific methods,  make hypothesis,  testing experiments with  rolling and falling balls...etc

change mass friction.PNG

module 6  : gears and forces.

Best way to understand it   is to play with it.  You can easily use motor, change motor speed and forces. It s a very good good manipulative to observe gears rotation, linked together  for the same direction , counting  teeth,  and look at speed and power. challenge  could be to make the wheels turn both clockwise.... 

experimenting gears.PNG

module 7 : Solar system, moon tides. 

This is a simple module to prototype the solar system, and  moon phases and tides. 

solar sytem1.PNG
solar moon.PNG

Module 8 : states of matter. 

quick manipulatives to look at the 3 states of matter with molecules. 

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